Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon

This weekend Daniel ran his first half marathon! He and his brother Ben have been training for it. I would be sad that I didn't get to do it with him, but I have no desire to run 13 miles! I think I will stick to 5k's and maybe try a 10k! Daniel did great and finished pretty close to his goal!

The guys had to leave really early in the morning (the race started at 7:30). Ben and his kids spent the night at our house. With them and Daniel's parents (who are also in town!) at our house, we had 11 people here. We had all the air mattresses and lots of blankets out! I was so grateful that we have a house with big bedrooms and lots of floor space to spread everyone out! Since Daniel and Ben were leaving, that meant it was up to Grandma, Grandpa and me to get 6 kids ready and to Tacoma by around 9 am! We were a little worried that we wouldn't be able to do it. But we did, and we were even early!

 Trying to feed all the kids breakfast. It was so early!

 This little man LOVES his cousins!

 Walking with Grandma.

 Waiting for them to come in to the finish line! We got there a little earlier than we thought we would so we ended up waiting for about half an hour. The kids sat on the curb most of the time and cheered on the other runners!

 Finally we spotted Daniel!

 Crossing the finish line! His time chip said he did it in 2 hours 17 minutes.

Brothers. :)

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