Sunday, July 25, 2010

Run. Drive. Sleep? Repeat.

This weekend Daniel and I participated in the Ragnar Relay Northwest Passage. A group of people from Daniel's company signed up to do it. About 3 weeks ago some dropped out so his brother and I joined the team. I was a little nervous because - 1. I have never run in a race before 2. In my 3 weeks of training I hadn't run more than 3 miles (my longest leg was 4.3 in the relay) 3. Johnny was going to accompany us on the 36+ hour journey because he refuses to take a bottle.

I did a lot better than I thought I would, Daniel did great and Johnny was such a trooper!

Info: Blaine, WA to Langely, WA

188 miles

12 runners on a team

24 hour relay non-stop

The start.

Our van.

This is at one of the major exchange points. Gives you an idea of how many teams/people there were.

Here is the excitment that went on at the exchanges.

My action shot. My pace was slow, but steady :)

I was able to hand off the bracelet to Daniel after every leg because he was after me.

We had night running. (This is Daniel handing me water while I ran my second leg at 1:37 am)

Wondering where everyone slept? There were 2 gyms full of sleeping runner. I had the luxury of sleeping in the suburban so that Johnny would not disturb others if he woke up.

We had sleepy faces at 7 am after 2.5 hours of sleep. Nice Ben :)

We had pancake breakfast early Saturday morning.

We ran on flat ground as well as hills. There was sun...

...and there was fog. (Ryan, our team captain)

Lots of cheering and encouragement. Can you see me at the top of the hill? This was the third leg. I had to go up a pretty big hill before I came back down!

We had determination. Love how he is so focused.

At the end.

8 of our 12 team members.

So glad we got to do this together!

Daniel, hopefully this showed you not to doubt your wife's capabilities. If I say I am going to do it, you bet that I will!! :)


Debbi said...

Love that last sentence! WAY to go! I don't know if I could do it, you are awesome,and taking Johnny with you too! Go Jenna!!!

Megan said...

Hey Jenna - Ryan emailed me your blog address...

I'm still so impressed that you did this (and had Johnny with you!) Ryan says you did really well! Maybe I'll do it next year...or maybe not :)

Mikki and Greg said...

This is so COOL! I have always wanted to run in the Ragnar down in Utah, they have one up in Logan. Way to go especially with the little guy there. You guys are awesome!