Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The past few days Johnny has been sleeping a lot during the day (which is nice right?) and is super cranky at night. He has to be held ALL the time, doesn't want to nurse and just screams. Last night I decided to check his gums because teething was the only thing I could think of. Sure enough, he already has a tooth poking through the gum! Isn't it a little bit early? Addie didn't get any teeth for awhile but I guess every kid is different. I think the other bottom one might be coming in too, it's kind of hard to look in there when h is screaming. I am hoping we don't have very many more days like this. I am exhausted!


Aivaz Family said...

My baby is doing that too!! She is only 4 weeks so I know she isn't teething, but as soon as the sun goes down she starts screaming and won't nurse or sleep. It sucks bad!!

stargirl3 said...

wow! i haven't had kids, (no where near) but i feel your pain. my little brother is just like a baby!