Thursday, June 4, 2009

Grateful for working Daddies...

and the jobs they have! It's days like today that I am truly reminded how blessed I am to have 1) a husband who has a job 2) a husband who has an excellent job that allows me to stay home with Addie all day. Yesterday we spent the morning at the park with our play group, and ended the afternoon at the pool. Today we enjoyed walking around the air conditioned mall buying some finishing touches for Addie's outfits for Saturday. We then headed to Casa Mia for some lunch. (I am really craving their salad lately!) Addie was being so silly while we were there. The other people in the restaurant must have thought I was a weirdo because I kept laughing out loud at the things she was doing. It's so fantastic being able to spend time with her doing the little things like shopping and eating lunch. I know I complain sometimes about how much Daniel works or how he is late coming home so that I can go to work like 50% of the time, but I am grateful that my work is really optional and that he works so hard (and enjoys it) so that I can enjoy being a mommy all day!

1 comment:

Daniel's '55 F100 Restoration said...

I am grateful for a healthy pregnant wife and for my 2 beautiful girls in my life! I love you jenna, I appreciate your love and support. JADAF