Sunday, January 1, 2017

The rest of June 2016

These 2 are either best buddies or trying to kill each other. It drives me crazy! 

Sometimes when they won't stop fighting I put them in this XL tee shirt until they calm down. It usually doesn't take them long to start laughing again.

Addie has been really in to sewing and crafting. She got this pillow making set for her birthday and was so excited to get started. She is currently in a sewing class that meets twice a month and is loving it!

Who doesn't love a little ballet and t-ball at the same time?

They made this creation so we could send the picture in to the LEGO magazine. Johnny really wants his photo to be featured in it at some point!

I'm not sure when this happened. I am thinking it was when Daniel was in charge. I'm pretty sure I would have made them change in to swim suits but they look pretty happy.

End of tee ball season trophy.

Again, I'm pretty sure this is from Daniel's phone. They are both pouting about something! They are just so fun. :)

I like to attend a home school convention every year to check out any new curriculum or toys. I took the kids with me during the day and they scored some fun free stuff. Also, I just like Dia's face in the picture below.

My nap time buddy. :)

We said good bye to Lilly and Frank in June. They were fun but no one paid any attention to them and I was tired of cleaning up the seeds from all over the floor!

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