Thursday, January 17, 2013


Monday night I wanted to sit down and write down some goals with the kids for 2013. While we were cleaning up dinner, Daniel grabbed the camera to get some video of Dia. I was feeding her some turkey and something baby food. Apparently she did not like it! Her reaction was too funny, I'm glad we got it on video!  Too he honest, judging by how the food smelled, I don't think I would have eaten it either! After that was done he snapped some photos of the kids playing Captain American and Hulk. I let them watch the Avengers earlier that afternoon so they were a bit crazy trying to act like Superheros. I think that movie might disappear for awhile.We eventually got to the goal writing part of the night!
After the turkey I gave her some pears and she was happy with that!

We see lots of Captain America lately!

Time to write some goals! (And explain what goals are!)

Then it was treat time! My mom sent us an air popcorn maker so we had to test it out! The kids were super excited about it! Now we need to find some good seasoning to go with it! 

Johnny D's goals

Addisen's goals.

The paper that I downloaded for Daniel and I to fill out has a place for my 'word' of the year. I have never picked a word before although I see lots of people doing it. I don't even like to sit down and write goals, Daniel loves it! I decided to go with it and choose something this year. The word I chose is "Time". I want to work on managing my time better and on things that matter more. Mostly my kids. We'll see how we all do with our 2013 goals!

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