Monday, October 27, 2008

Phases and airplanes

I think Addie has officially entered the 'I have to climb on everything' phase. She finally figured out how to get on the stool in the kitchen. Now she can see and sometimes reach all the fun things on the counter. The other night she climbed up there and was 'helping' Daniel with the dishes. He put some bubbles on the counter and she thought that was great! I've also seen her climb on the big plastic storage box I have in my room and she can make it up like 4 stairs. The problem with all of this is that she can't get down! She fell off the stairs the other night and landed on the back of her head. She'll have to learn...

One of her favorite books right now is called Amazing Airplanes. It's all about taking a trip by plane. So we have been working on the sign for airplane. I got her on video reading the book and making her hand (her version on the sign) fly around like a plane. I love her sound effects. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Come see the crafts...

Stop by and see me, we'll have a table set up there. It supports the PTA and is a good excuse to get some cute stuff for Christmas! If you can't make it, we'll be posting pictures of our holiday stuff on our blog soon!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back to the pumpkin patch

Starting where my last post left off...Addie was pretty happy once I got her in the pumpkin and she had some snacks in her hand. Here are a couple of pictures from Friday night, I posted a video at the end of this quite lengthy post...

Saturday afternoon we headed back to the same pumpkin patch. The pictures came out way cute (Thanks Jeff!). This first one I took but the rest are his work...I know her name is spelled wrong on one of the photos, Jeff's fixing that. :)

Oh, I took this one too. She got a treat on the way home for being so good...

I'm thinking of blowing this one up and hanging it in my crafty room...

Our family.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Not in the pumpkin!

Last Saturday we picked out the pumpkin we were going to use for Addie's Pumpkin Patch pictures this year. Last night I carved it out so that we could go back today. I must have pulled out 8 lbs. of stuff! It's a pretty big pumpkin.

Carving it out...
Mommy's little helper. She just got out of the bath...

Yum...pumpkin. I like to eat pieces, she wasn't so sure.

Checking it out

Look at the terror in her face!

I eventually got her in it, with some snacks...
We went back to the pumpkin patch today, I will post those pictures later, I think we got some cute ones! We took some on our camera and our friend Jeff, who is an awesome photographer, took some for us too!


Today we finally gave Addie her first hair cut! I was trying to just let it grow, but I decided pig tails would be easier (and all of her hair might actually stay up) if I cut her bangs. So while she was in her high chair we got the scissors out...

She didn't really want to sit still while I was cutting and that made me a bit nervous. I think it came OK, still needs some touch up work. Now she really looks like a toddler to me, not a baby anymore. :( I think the hard part will be trimming them all of the time!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

For Sale

I made these blocks just for fun but I've had a few people say how much they like them I've decided to make them to sell.

The blocks in this set all measure 5.5 in. wide by 8 in. tall.
For this Halloween, we are selling them for $24.

We are also offering a 'mini' spooky set. The blocks will be 3.5 in wide by 5 in tall and are $15.
Let me know if you are interested in the wood and vinyl only. Otherwise these prices are for finished products, crackle paint and all!

Pumpkin Patch

Continuing to enjoy the beautiful day, we decided to go to the pumpkin patch after Addie's nap. She had such a great time running around all of the pumpkins. We didn't get a good picture of her face because she was so busy looking all around. We ended up picking out a 36 lb pumpkin for $9! It should be big enough to carve out and put Addie in. We will return to the patch next weekend to get some pictures of her in it!

This video is just Addie being silly. Her Grandma Pedersen sent some window clings that Addie put up today. She was showing me the 'kitty' on one of them. I tried to get her to show me the "I love you sign" but of course she wasn't cooperating while on camera. She actually has learned quite a few signs by now. Here is her list:

Food, More, Water, Please, Thank You, Down, Mom, Dad, Love you, Milk, Sleepy, Finished

I think this week we are going to work on 'book' and 'again'.

Cleared for Take-off...

Today we finally took Addie up for her first flight with me as the pilot. It was a gorgeous day, couldn't have asked for a nicer day to fly. The morning got off to kind of a rough start though. We had to wake Addie up to be at the airport by 10, she likes to sleep in late. :) Waking her up early always causes her to be extra cranky. When we got to the airport there were some paperwork issues so I got off the ground about 45 minutes late. I had to go to 3 takes offs and landings by myself for currency purposes, by the time I came back to get Daniel and Addie she was ready for a nap. She cried for the first few minutes then was ok. We were only up for about 20 minutes then we headed back in. I could have stayed in the air all day! I miss it so much, it's unfortunate that it costs so much. Here are a few pictures and a video from our experience...

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Something for Daniel, Wedding Dress, and Halloween Decorations!

Since Daniel said I was allowed 1 post per day, I decided to just combine 3 in one, so this might be a bit long!

Since we started dating, almost 9 years ago, I have known about Daniel's love of working with tools. I can't even count how many times since we've been married he's asked me if we can get a saw. Until our recent move, my reply was always something like "We don't have anywhere to put one." Now that we have a garage, I can't use that excuse anymore. He finally got the chance to go to Sears and pick out a saw. Of course I had to like it too because I might have to use it occasionally to cut some wood. It should be a great investment for the vinyl business and he was so funny setting it a little kid on Christmas morning.

I know I am a dork for posting this next part, but it was kind of fun. My mom brought my wedding dress up here with her to get it out of her house. I plan on getting it cleaned and boxed and hope that one of my daughters will want to wear it some day. I couldn't resist trying it on to see if it still fits. Almost 4 years and 1 child later, it still does! It was just a tad tighter around my waist than it was on the day we got married (thanks to my sweet baby girl), but I remember it being pretty snug back then too. Daniel said he was happy that it fit because he was not sure if he could handle my reaction if it didn't. Then he said something a little sweeter, he thought that I looked more beautiful in it than I did on our wedding day now that I am a mother. :) I even put the veil on, mostly because I was trying to hide the fact that I didn't do my hair today. I also added one of my bridal pictures, except for my hair being much shorter, I think I look the same.

We are still in the process of unpacking but I did get some of my fall/Halloween decorations up. I made these Spooky blocks to add to my collection. I stole the idea from Daniel's friends blog, changed it a little bit and used vinyl. I painted them to look like the paint is cracked with crackle medium which I have never used before so I was a little nervous. I do like how they came out and they look pretty cute looking in through the window from outside.
I think that's it for now, for once a post that's not entirely about Addie!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Little Miss Girly Girl

Lately Addie has been acting very girly. She loves her shoes, wants things in her hair, she motions for me to put her tutu on and recently while I'm putting my make up on she wants some too. Today I made her a small purse to go with her Halloween costume. Daniel thinks I'm silly because I don't want her to have one of those bright orange plastic pumpkins, I loved mine when I was a kid, but that won't match her ballerina costume! I got the idea/pattern from my friend Katy (I might still need you to come over and show me how you're supposed to make them because this one didn't come out very well!).

When I got it all done, I put it on her arm with her tutu to show Daniel just as he come home from work. She carried it around for like 20 minutes and was even posing for the pictures. That's why I might have gotten carried away posting them, but she is cute in them all! The pictures of the bag aren't the greatest because of the lighting, but I used some of the left over tulle from her tutu to decorate the front. This sewing thing is starting to be really fun, I don't know why I didn't pick up this craft sooner!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tutus and Twirls

For Halloween I decided Addie was going to dress up as a ballerina. I really wanted to make her tutu. I found some websites with instructions and it seemed pretty simple. It's not quite done but, I love how it turned out! She didn't seem to mind wearing it either...
She recently discovered that she can walk backward, which she thinks is great! After she had that move down, the spinning in circles started. We think it's pretty funny, I know all kids go through this stage and at some point she will be doing it some place where it is not appropriate, like the store, but for now it's cute. I managed to get her doing 1 revolution while she had her tutu on, my little ballerina.

You might have noticed that she is wearing the same boot(s) in both videos. These are her favorite thing to wear lately! She brings them to me and waits for me to put them on her.