Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Thanksgiving and Turkey Trot

Addie and Johnny are getting really in to running. They like to do races. If we ask them to run at home, they would rather not. :) We signed up for the Tacoma Turkey Trot as a family. We are still trying to make traditions, maybe this will be one of them! Addie ran/walked the whole 5k. Johnny did really well for the first half or so run/walking. Then he got super tired and spent most of the second half sitting on the front of the stroller. People were cheering for us and telling the kids what a good job they were doing! It turned out to be a decent morning. It started raining just as we were leaving!!

So excited to be at the 3 mile mark!! We could see the finish line from here. Notice Opal all cozy, fast asleep. :)

Dia was begging to get out of the stroller by the end. We let her out on the last little stretch and she was able to run across the finish line with me!

We let the kids 'refuel' before they ran in the kids 1k! We were brave and just let them go without one of us. It's really not that far and they had each other!

Waiting to start! I need to teach Addie how to be a little more aggressive in the beginning of a race if she ever wants to win one. She let's everyone pass her going through the start so she doesn't get run over. :)

Proof that she was there and was awake for some of it!

After we were done running I had to talk Daniel in to stopping in the Startbucks right across the street to get some hot chocolate! We had finished Whole30 the day before so Thanksgiving was our first day to eat whatever we wanted! That hot chocolate was sooo good!!

After we went home and showered and let the littles take naps, we headed over to the Emerald Queen Casino for the buffet!! We were smart this time and Daniel went and stood in line while the kids and I watched videos in the car (and went to get a Redbox DVD!). It wasn't as long of a wait as it has been in the past which was nice! We ate way too much food!! It all tasted so good after not having a lot of it for a whole month!

Happy first Thanksgiving!!

We enjoyed our day spent together as a family! It is kind of sad that we don't live closer to more family but that is why we are trying to start our own traditions and make it fun for everyone!

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